
How it works: for a £15 membership you can attend as many group classes as you wish. View the schedule below to signup, view more information about our classes. Check our faqs or get in touch.


  • Membership

    You'll need a membership to book into classes. £15 / month gets you access to all classes - there is no limit on how many classes you can attend, and you can register as part of the sign up process.

  • Booking recurring classes

     If you wish to reserve every occurrence of a specific class type going forwards, make sure you check "Reserve this class every week" under the button to purchase/reserve.

  • Troubleshooting

    When booking onto a class, you'll want to complete the 'sign up/sign in' step before you hit the 'reserve / purchase' button - if you dont you may get a popup saying 'Must be logged in to book this class'.

    If you run into any issues please contact us directly.

What we offer